Welcoming 155 Ethiopians to Israel on an ICEJ sponsored flight! ✈️🇪🇹🇮🇱

Adolf Goebbels
Published on Apr 9, 2023
Just in Time: Ethiopian Aliyah ✈️🇪🇹🇮🇱
It was such an exciting momentous event for the ICEJ team to welcome more than 150 Ehtiopian Jews arriving at the Ben Gurion Airport for the very first time to make aliyah last week. We celebrate their 'homecoming' especially a few weeks before Passover holidays! It truly was an emotional time for everybody, and we want to thank you for being part of this miracle that we see happening today. Praise the Lord!
Be part of what the ICEJ is doing in Israel, and help sponsor a Jew to return home: https://give.icej.org/aliyah
The ICEJ is a non-profit organization based in Israel. We rely on donations to keep our videos and content free to millions of people around the world. Consider partnering with us today: give.icej.org/blessisrael ✅


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